Illustrated Book Talk – New Jersey World War II Book Club

By Phil Padgett | September 16, 2018 |

Wednesday, September 19 at 7:00 p.m., I’ll give an illustrated talk on Advocating Overlord to the New Jersey World War II Book Club.  We’ll meet in the Millburn Public Library…

First Amendment

By Phil Padgett | August 24, 2018 |

On August 13, while I was flying to New Orleans for a book talk, Donald Trump’s lawyer attempted to threaten Simon & Shuster into ceasing publication of a book that…

National World War II Museum Book Conversation, Aug. 15

By Phil Padgett | August 19, 2018 |

August 15 was the occasion for a wonderful conversation about Advocating Overlord with National World War II Museum historian Dr, Keith Huxen.  With this D-Day invasion-striped C-47 suspended overhead, 190…

Heading to the Big Easy

By Phil Padgett | August 12, 2018 |

Monday evening, I will be wheels up for New Orleans.  On Wednesday, Aug. 15, at 6:00 p.m., I’ll give a book talk at the National World War II Museum, right…

By Phil Padgett | August 7, 2018 |

The book talk aboard USS Texas Last Saturday was great fun.  My deep thanks go to all who helped. We met in a former berthing space. The heavy steel hooks…

Book Talk Aboard Battleship Texas, Saturday, August 4

By Phil Padgett | August 3, 2018 |

Flying to Texas to give a book talk aboard the 104-year old battleship USS Texas on Saturday morning at 11:00 a.m. Central Time. Will talk about the Texas’ escort mission…

FDR Library Book Talk of June 16 Can Be Viewed in BookTV’s Archive

By Phil Padgett | July 12, 2018 |

The book talk that I gave at the FDR Library’s “Roosevelt Reading Festival” on June 16, 2018, now is available for viewing in the C-Span2 Book TV archive at: overlord …

Book Talk To Be Broadcasted July 7 and July 8

By Phil Padgett | July 2, 2018 |

This Saturday, July 7 at 4:55 PM EDT C-SPAN2 Book TV will broadcast their video-recording of my talk during the June 16 “Roosevelt Reading Festival” at the FDR Library and…

Rosevelt Reading Festival

By Phil Padgett | June 18, 2018 |

Great fun at the “Roosevelt Reading Festival” at the FDR Library and Museum on June 16! I was one of 14 authors giving book talks.  In my talk on Advocating…

Interview available at Warscholar Blog

By Phil Padgett | June 7, 2018 |

An audio interview about Advocating Overlord and my experience in researching and writing the book is available now on the internet.  You can listen to our conversation by going to: …