The book talk aboard USS Texas Last Saturday was great fun. My deep thanks go to all who helped. We met in a former berthing space. The heavy steel hooks from which the sailors hung their hammocks are still welded to the overhead beams. Must have made for interesting sleeping during an Atlantic gale. 104-year old Texas is the last dreadnaught in the world and her war record is very distinguished. For seven decades, the people of Texas have met the challenge of restoring and preserving this great ship – and the quality of their effort shows. If you are ever anywhere within a day trip to La Porte, Texas, (mouth of the Houston Ship Channel). a visit to USS Texas and the neighboring San Jacinto Battlefield is well worthwhile. They have copies of Advocating Overlord in the Ship’s Store.
Philip Padgett examines history by applying skills developed during 40 years of national security and preparedness research and analysis in the military, government, and the private sector. As Deputy Intelligence Adviser at the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, he supported from Washington teams negotiating five international treaties and agreements. Read more >>