Illustrated Book Talk – Washington Metro OASIS September 17
Tuesday morning, September 17, at 10;30 a.m., I will give an illustrated talk on Advocating Overlord at the Washington Metropolitan OASIS, which is in the back of the Macy’s Home Store in Montgomery Mall. Ninety minutes to talk provides plenty of opportunity to dive deeper into the facets – and controversies – of this fascinating subject. Registration for the talk (Class #212) begins August 22 and there is a $15.00 fee. I will have copies of Advocating Overlord on hand for purchase.
If you do not know OASIS, you’re in for a treat. They offer an amazing array of lectures, classes, and activities during the day scheduled Mondays through Fridays, which is perfect for retirees. OASIS has a suite of meeting rooms, offices, and even a small library at the back of the Macy’s Home Store with a convenient entrance from the parking garage. We’ll finish just in time for lunch. Montgomery Mall has a recently upgraded food court steps away.
Philip Padgett examines history by applying skills developed during 40 years of national security and preparedness research and analysis in the military, government, and the private sector. As Deputy Intelligence Adviser at the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, he supported from Washington teams negotiating five international treaties and agreements. Read more >>