World War II Round Table
Autumn continues to be especially busy. A highlight was traveling to Minneapolis-Saint Paul for a book talk to the Harold C. Deutsch World War II Round Table. The talk, drawing around 200, was preceded by a lively your outreach meeting with an opportunity for high school students to engage with World War II veterans. This time, that involved two B-29 aircrewmen. The area has a rich and fascinating history to which Col. Don Patton was my enthusiastic guide (Thanks again, Don!). Pictured is a 4-inch gun from the “four-piper” destroyer U.S.S. Ward. Early on the morning of December 7, 1941, the Ward detected and attacked a Japanese miniature submarine attempting to penetrate Pear Harbor. Thus, the Ward fired the first American shots in the Pacific War. The gun was removed during a refit and, later in the war, the Ward was sunk by a Kamikaze off Okinawa.
Philip Padgett examines history by applying skills developed during 40 years of national security and preparedness research and analysis in the military, government, and the private sector. As Deputy Intelligence Adviser at the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, he supported from Washington teams negotiating five international treaties and agreements. Read more >>